About Asset Discovery

What is External Asset Discovery

Asset discovery is the process of identifying and locating active and inactive assets that are both known and unknown to an organization. This form of live and continuous security monitoring offers round-the-clock vulnerability management – notifying you of changes to your attack surface as soon as they appear. Things like changes to firewalls, spinning up new VPNs, and using additional cloud services unavoidably increase your online exposure. So, it’s critical to have complete visibility of your attack surface as it grows.

Protect Your External Attack Surface

Diagon automatically maps your external assets and monitors them for changes and security issues to help prevent serious breaches

Stay Ahead of the Attackers

Modern development and infrastructure management practices are fast paces and constantly changing. Attackers have evolved, have you? Stay ahead of the game with Diagon.

Improve Your Asset Awareness

You can't protect what you don't know is out there. Improve your asset awareness with Diagon. We help you see what can't be seen.

How Diagon can help empower you assets

Diagon shines a light on blind spots in your attack surface and highlights potential risks using over fifty data sources to keep you informed in real-time. Our scalable technology accelerates asset discovery time, completing it in a fraction of the time that manual techniques take. Discovery against large domains containing thousands of assets can take place in seconds.