About 24/7 Monitoring

What is 24/7 Monitoring?

24/7 Monitoring is the constant vigilance for external threats to your security controls; continuous auditing is the constant testing of internal controls to make sure they are effective at preventing attacks or compliance failures. Both are integral components of a robust cybersecurity strategy.

Spending too much time sorting through logs or you don’t have time at all for this tedious task, a network security monitoring service might be right for you.

All 24 hours fully manned

Dedicated personnel with specialized equipment 

Very cost efficient compared to doing it yourself

Reduce the time it takes to respond to threats

Comply with industry and regulatory requirements

Why do you need 24/7 Monitoring?

  • The Cybersecurity Landscape Has Changed Drastically
    Organizations face a troubling threat landscape like never before. Global cybercrime is predicted to reach more than $2.1 trillion in 2022.
  • Stringent Compliance & Regulatory Requirements
    This year, security leaders are focused on addressing new compliance and regulatory requirements that could cost them millions in fines and penalties for non-compliance.
  • Minimize Data Breaches
    A team of experts that review security events and logs on a 24×7 basis can help you improve your Mean-Time-to-Detect (MTTD).
  • Improve Your Mean-Time-To-Respond
    The core metric for many security teams to measure their effectiveness is in Mean-Time-Detect and Mean-Time-To-Respond. Once your security team identifies or detect a threat and creates an alert, it then becomes a matter of urgency.
  • Knowing Who Your Adversaries Are With Threat Intelligence
    Data breaches that go on for months are a result of poor detection and response capabilities. Cyber attacks and breaches can happen to anyone which brings the need for around-the-clock awareness of your security environment.